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Dolce Puglia - VII Rassegna dei vini dolci pugliesi e della pasticceria, cioccolateria e caseari regionali - Conversano (Ba)

Dolce Puglia  -Conversano (Ba)




The event, organized by the Delegation of the AIS Puglia Murgia, since the first edition involved trade associations, pastry chefs, chocolatiers and sommelier to discuss the extraordinary potential of some excellent food and wine as dessert wines, pastries Regional regional and dairy products.

The show, which has become one of the events of reference for promoting food and wine from Puglia, will be attended by the producers of wines from all over the Puglia region with the exhibition of over 100 labels, confectioners and cheese makers in addition to hundreds of guests and members.

Each year the festival showed great appreciation and participation, including through the contribution of distinguished journalists, researchers and international guests amply qualified that have generated enthusiasm among the insiders. Also this year is expected the presence of national and international media: the spread of the event will take place through print, radio and television devoted subject headings and, for the first time, will be published "Dolce Puglia 2012. Guide to the sweet wines of Puglia" , the official presentation of all the wines that participate in the regional event.

Another novelty of the seventh edition of Dolce Puglia will be the presence of prestigious guests international trade, such as buyers / importers, in order to establish a direct contact between the exhibitors and the market.


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