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Turismo, la Puglia tiene grazie a stranieri e lusso


It is a summer "patchy" for hoteliers Puglia. Overused metaphor, but that translates visually what is happening to the structures: "The Salento, Valle d'Itria and Gargano confirm the trend of last year, because they defend thanks to foreign clients - is the comment of the President of Assohotel - Confesercenti Puglia, Francesco De Carlo - the problem are the companies of the other areas that do not appeal to the luxury tourism ". At the end of the season will be time to draw conclusions, but the clouds are on the horizon. The decline in sales is evident, in the first six months of 2013 recorded a minus 30 percent.

The risk of closure is around the corner: "The prices have become more competitive, but to work - continues De Carlo - but what will happen after the summer? How many structures can survive, given that in the first six months of the year in the South every two days have closed three companies in the sector? ". Offers and last minute are therefore a breath of fresh air to "encourage people to travel", on the Internet abound promotions. But fear is widespread, and is the rock more impervious to hoteliers. "80 percent of the region's territory is a national, if not move to not be able to overcome the crisis." Just Confesercenti in recent days has released data from a national survey to illustrate the trends in vogue among foreigners: Puglia is chosen for the culture and the sea, but can not compete with the Centre - North. Despite the efforts of the regional Pugliapromozione, the road is still uphill if the collective Sardinia is always first in the standings courtesy, Lazio for art and the Aosta Valley to the environment.

"Puglia has a strong appeal and may benefit from the crisis engulfing Greece, Turkey and North Africa - highlights Francesco Caizzi Federalberghi - Foreigners know the locations of excellence already established, while the problem is for those who have always worked with Italians ". In short, in September will discuss perhaps an estate of Puglia, but it will be a given offset by foreign visitors who have stayed in the resort and in the elegant farms. Not from small hotels forced to trudge, to cut services and staff in order to meet the expenses. "We can do all the promotion we want, but if the IMU doubles and Tares increases by 20 percent, after last year had a peak of 30 percent, as you can continue to do business in these conditions? "analyzes Caizzi praising the commitment of Pugliapromozione to push less fashionable places like Taranto and Gargano, engulfed by the shadow of Vieste.



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