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Il cardoncello abita a Cassano

Cassano Murge, just 29 Km from Bari, has very ancient

origins. In some caves of Murgia were unearthed human remains and objects relating to groups of semi-nomadic herders. The inhabitants are about 11,000 but in summer residents, or better connoisseurs of fresh and healthy air of Cassano, coming to 40,000 distributed in the farms, in hotels and villas. It is the geographic location of the town to make it the "Pearl of the Murgia". It is a 350/470 m above sea level which is just a few Km. For more on its territory Cassano has 1300 hectares covered by coniferous and deciduous Forest Mercadante. In autumn triumph of wild mushrooms or cardoncelli of stony Murgia, now rare in that area spoils of real predators who do not care for the rules of collection. Where then there is no forest, thrives the Mediterranean or there are almond orchards, vineyards, olive groves and orchards. The visit to the historical center of Cassano is gratifying to sweet surprises:




















streets, alleys, small veroni, windows, stairways, railings and stone and wrought-iron pots of basil and geraniums, an old farm cart that unused now stands with the poles to the sky as if in prayer, the pavement polished, the walls white and ocher of the tower houses, the smells of a cuisine based on legumes, tomatoes and vegetables, some whiff vinous. And in the evening of lamb roasted over coals. Peace of mind is the Oasis of Santa Maria of the race course and above the sanctuary convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli. It was built in 1469 around a cave in which was painted a picture of the Madonna and Child discovered in 1250 by a pious priest. It is a pilgrimage site. Cassano Murge always ready in every season to give a feeling of the mountain.


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