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Siponto "antica colonia greca"


Siponto is one of the oldest Italian cities and was one of the most important Roman colonies. Initially it was a thriving Greek colony and later fell into the hands of the Samnites. In 1223 the city was shaken by a violent earthquake that reduced it to ruin. It was then that Manfred of Sicily ruled that the city was rebuilt in a new location. Between 1930 and 1940 the Consortium of Reclamation of the captains began the draining of the marshes Sipontine turning them into arable land, part of these lands were used for the construction of private homes that led to the birth of the Lido of Siponto, which over the years has become a station tourist resort frequented mainly by the inhabitants of the town in Puglia of the captains.

Monuments and places of interest: the shrine of Santa Maria Maggiore, ancient cathedral sipontina which is next to the remains of an early Christian basilica dating back to the first centuries after Christ. Of particular interest are the portal and the icon of the Virgin and Child, located inside the sanctuary.
Fontana Piscitelli named by its sculptor Tommaso Piscitelli. It is located in Piazza di Siponto and represents man who, in the center of the fountain, holding the Gargano with three women who symbolize the three economic activities of the historical place or herding, farming and fishing.


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